PDSUR - PDS Unload/Reload Utility


In February 2018 Sam Golub notified me that the PDSUR utility, originally written by Gene Czarcinski in 1973, has been added to the CBT collection.  I am making the installation jobstream and documentation available here, as well as adding the utility to my SYSCPK tools volume, as I think it is a great alternative when you find yourself needing to reload datasets that were offloaded using the IBM utility IEHMOVE.  It may also be used to create tapes containing offloaded datasets that is compatible with IEHMOVE.

PDSUR is presently located in the Updates section of the CBT website, but will likely appear on the next version of the CBT tape when it is cut.  It will reside in in File #949.



As I have already installed the program, along with an installation PDS that contains the installation jobstream, documentation, and sample jobs, on my SYSCPK volume, if you already have that installed, you simply need to update your copy of the volume image.

Installation of the load module is a simple assemble/link step.  I provide here a jobstream that will utilize IEBUPDTE to create the installation PDS that is now found on the SYSCPK volume.  That jobstream, plus a nicely formatted set of PDF documentation is available in the archive pdsur.tar.gz [64.9 kb MD5: 2c39500d6b20be4652f726ffaec5ab50].  Download the archive and extract the jobstream (WinZip on Windows/?? or tar on Linux).  Edit the jobstream - reload$.jcl - and change the location and dataset name for the Target PDS to suit your system - lines 4 and 5 of the jobstream.  Submit the modified jobstream to create a PDS, which will contain:

Jobstream to assemble/link-edit PDSUR to a load library on your system.	
Summary information for PDSUR provided by Sam Golub.
Gene Czarcinski's original documentation, with some updates by Sam Golub. This is the source from which I created the 
PDSUR documentation.pdf which is contained in the pdsur.tar.gz archive
Sample jobstream to reload an IEHMOVE created offload dataset.
Sample jobstream to unload a PDS creating an IEHMOVE format dataset.
Assembler source for the updated PDSUR.

Edit the PDSUR$ member of the restore PDS to change the target of the load module to a load library on your system.  Submit the PDSUR$ jobstream to assemble and link-edit the utility.


PDSUR Documentation

I have done some minor editing of the documentation supplied by Gene Czarcinski (and subsequently updated by Sam Golub) and generated a PDF version, which is also included in the pdsur.tar.gz archive.

I hope that you have found my instructions useful.  If you have questions that I can answer to help expand upon my explanations and examples shown here, please don't hesitate to send them to me:

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This page was last updated on February 13, 2018 .